Discuss CCP with Your Guidance Counselor

  • What classes do I still need in order to graduate from high school? What college courses can I take to fulfill these high school requirements?
  • How does my school define full-time enrollment? How many classes between the middle/high school and the college must I take to be eligible for sports?
  • How are College Credit Plus credits and grades applied to my middle/high school transcript? (i.e. weighted, not weighted, credit hours to Carnegie unit conversion) Do College Credit Plus courses taken above and beyond my high school graduation requirements factor into my high school grade point average?
  • For what reasons would I have to reimburse my school for the cost of my College Credit Plus courses?
  • What are my options for meeting my high school requirements if I fail a College Credit Plus course?
  • Do you believe I am ready for the academic and social challenges of college-level courses? What do you recommend as an appropriate number of college courses for me?