Discuss CCP with Your Parents

  • How will I get to and from campus, especially when the weather is bad?
  • Can I take classes earlier or later than normal school hours?
  • Will I be working or participating in extracurricular activities, and will I have time for the more rigorous demands of college-level courses?
  • Am I ready to accept the responsibility and independence that the college classroom demands? Will I participate actively in class and attend regularly?
  • Do I possess the social and emotional maturity necessary to engage in classes designed for and attended by adult students?
  • Am I comfortable with the “academic freedom” granted to college professors to choose course materials, create their own grading scale, establish classroom policies, etc.?
  • Am I prepared to keep my family informed of my academic progress since the university will not do that for me?
  • Am I comfortable with the impact my College Credit Plus grades will have on my high school grade point average, future scholarship opportunities and college admission? Am I comfortable with the grades I earn as a College Credit Plus student being used to determine admission into selective or competitive majors?
  • How will I pay for failed or withdrawn classes?
  • If I am concerned about transferring College Credit Plus credits to another university, when should I contact or visit that university to discuss transfer?
  • Do I understand the college credit hours I earn now will be taken into consideration when determining my academic progress and eligibility for federal financial aid programs?