Welcome to the home of the Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges (OATYC) Annual Conference for 2025, hosted by Kent State Tuscarawas, New Philadelphia Ohio.
Be sure to bookmark this page as we will continue to update it with the conference schedule and programming as we get closer to the event.
We look forward to seeing you this October:
Friday, October 10, 2025
Kent State Tuscarawas
330 University Dr. NE
New Philadelphia, Oh 44663
Call for Proposals Flyer (PDF)
All proposals must be submitted electronically by 11:59 PM, Friday, March 28, 2025. Proposals will undergo a blind review, and status notifications will be sent by the week of May 5, 2025.
Presenter Registration ($110) and Attendee Registration ($130)
Conference Programming (Coming in June)
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn and Suites
- Discounted rates available: Ohio Association of Two Year Colleges Booking Link
- Or when calling, reference "Kent State Tuscarawas OATYC" (330) 330-7731
Sponsor Our "Conference" (Coming Soon)
Science and Advanced Technology Center Map (PDF)
Keynote Speaker
Nicole Willey, Ph.D. (Kent State University)
Nicole L. Willey, Ph.D. Associate Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning
nwilley@kent.edu , 220A Cartwright Hall
Nicole (she/her/hers) is a Professor of English who taught at the Tuscarawas Campus for 20 years prior to starting this position. As a professor she specialized in service-learning pedagogy, particularly as related to social justice issues and public education. She is interested in how the sharing and shaping of stories can lead to community, healing, and empathy. Nicole also serves as Coordinator of Faculty mentoring at KSU Tuscarawas, where she has provided programming and mentorship for faculty in all streams of service. She is excited to work with faculty throughout the system on issues related to teaching and professional development. She has published in the areas of mentoring and program creation, as well as in her specialty areas of mothering studies and memoir. Her collections Feminist Fathering/Fathering Feminists: New Definitions and Directions and Motherhood Memoir: Mothers Creating/Writing Lives are both available from Demeter Press. She also serves on the Executive Board of IAMAS (The International Association of Maternal Action and Scholarship). Nicole enjoys watching her two sons’ activities, currently musical performance for one and basketball and soccer for the other, and spending time at home with her husband and pets.
Sarah Andreas, sandrea1@kent.edu
OATYC 2024 Conference Co-chair
Carla Baker, crbarker@kent.edu
OATYC 2024 Conference Co-chair